The foods you eat might not be why you’re hungry all the time. Learn how your sleep behaviors could be forcing your uncontrollable snacking behaviors.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
The foods you eat might not be why you’re hungry all the time. Learn how your sleep behaviors could be forcing your uncontrollable snacking behaviors.
Sometimes it’s best for me to say less, and let actions do the talking. In this case, I’ll just let you watch. Here’s the new book trailer for Man 2.0: Engineering The Alpha. A Real World Guide to an Unreal Life. Watch. Enjoy. And get fired up. We’ve written something special for you. Before you watch. […]
How many times have you picked up a book and ended up disappointed? I know I have. More times than I’d like to admit, in fact. It doesn’t matter if it’s a book, a movie, or even a sporting event (Hey, I’m a Cubs fan and the biggest CU Buffs fan on the planet—and both […]
Want to know the secret to finding happiness? A new approach could change the way you look at life and help you make improvements for the better.
They’re considered high in fat and calories. But are avocados healthy? New research says yes, and suggests it might be best for you to enjoy them every day.
Protein is essential for muscle gain and fat loss. But how much do you need? This protein guide answers all your questions and helps you personalize a plan for your body.
The notification hit my computer: Born… can you please give us clarification on deer-antler spray? Why are athletes using it? Immediately, I knew that Ray Lewis was to blame. And even worse? I was about to deflate all the media hype. The message was from Neema Yazdani. Some of you might recognize Neema’s name from […]
No matter what anyone says, there are rules for building bigger arms. Most people just get bad advice. Follow these 3 tips to grow more muscle even faster.
“Why do you work out so hard?” I could hear the words coming from behind, but I wasn’t sure if they were directed at me. “Hey, bro. Why do you work out so hard? I stepped away from the trap bar, turned around, and acknowledged the trainer to my left. He was leaning against the […]
Why is it so hard to gain size? Because most people don’t realize they are making muscle building mistakes. Fix these 5 problems and you’ll accelerate your gains.
Within the past two weeks, I decided to make a dramatic overhaul to my training. I’ll be honest and admit that I needed a new direction. Creating my own programs resulted in me repeatedly ignoring my weaknesses (both consciously and subconsciously), which is a mistake I’ve made before. I needed someone to discuss training strategies. […]
I’m not sure when it happened, but in my ongoing attempts to make “healthy living” a little more fun—and a little more delicious—I transformed my cooking taste within my home from Foreman grill to fine cuisine. I won’t lie and profess myself as one of the world’s greatest cooks. In fact, my variations of fine cuisine […]