The problem with training is rarely the exercises you perform, but, rather, how they are combined together into a program that will challenge and change your body.
At some point, rep-after-rep-after-rep just doesn’t do the job, no matter how hard it feels. And, this is especially true for at-home workouts. If you want to make the most of your time training, you need a plan.
We’re here to stop the randomness of bodyweight and resistance band plans. The truth is, you can completely transform your body with minimalist equipment, but only if you know how to progress week-over-week and make sure you don’t burn out your body.
Instead of using barbells or dumbbells, we’re going to maximize the use of resistance bands. This resistance band workout uses a classic workout split (push/pull/lower body or PPL) to create the ultimate 3-day muscle and strength-building split that challenges all the major muscle groups. The plan is simple enough to work for beginners and still has enough progressions (especially if you use bands with more resistance) to challenge more advanced trainees.
Push/Pull/Legs (PPL) is a 3-day muscle-building and strength-based workout split. Each workout focuses on either pushing, pulling, or your legs.
Your push workout will target primarily your upper body, specifically the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
The pull workout focuses on the backside of your body. It is built around rowing movements that target your back and biceps.
Finally, the leg workout focuses exclusively on the lower body. You’ll hit your quads, hamstrings, and glutes all in one workout.
Are you ready? Whether you’re only training at home, want to work out on the road, or just need a joint-friendly new training plan to create a spark, we break down everything you need — including a 4-week plan designed for results.
Want more workouts? Just click the image below for an additional 12 weeks of bodyweight workouts.
Table of Contents
Are you new to training with resistance bands?
The first question you should ask is how to set the right resistance. After all, as we mentioned, this plan can work for a beginner, and it can also challenge those who consistently work out if you add more resistance or use heavier bands.
To get the most of our resistance band workouts, you need the band to start above its “resting threshold.” In other words, before you begin any movement, you should feel the resistance in the band. Then, be sure to take your time, feel the burn, and squeeze your muscles during the workout. You want it to have constant tension through the full range of motion.
How Do You Get The Right Tension In The Band
Getting the right tension in your bands comes down to your foot placement. Get it right, and the band will resist your full range of motion. Get it wrong, and the band will be either too tight (and therefore restrict your range of motion) or not tight enough to challenge you.
Here’s a quick video on where to put your feet in the bands and how to adjust the tension.
How often should you train?
At a minimum, you should perform this workout 3 times per week. Just make sure you follow the Push, Pull, Lower body/Legs cadence. Examples of how to structure your week and when to rest are included below.
Sample workout splits you may consider:
3 Workouts Per Week
- Monday: Leg workout
- Tuesday: Off
- Wednesday: Push workout (upper body workout)
- Thursday: Off
- Friday: Pull workout (upper body workout)
- Saturday/Sunday: Off
3 Days On, 1-Day Off (6 Workouts Per Week)
- Monday: Leg workout
- Tuesday: Push workout (upper body workout)
- Wednesday: Pull workout (upper body workout)
- Thursday: Off
- Friday: Leg workout
- Saturday: Push workout (upper body workout)
- Sunday: Pull workout (upper body workout)
- Monday: Off
- Tuesday: Pick back up again with the leg workout
As a starting point, perform 3 sets for the exercises we outline below. You can adjust the number of sets based on your weight training experience, or increase the sets once it feels easy. If you’re short on time, just run through all of the exercises once and the workout will take about 20 minutes.
Your 4-Week Resistance Band Workout
If you want to start challenging your body with a planned workout, try our 4-week resistance band workout. Below, you’ll find an outline of the plan, a detailed video explanation for each exercise, and a video showing the entire workout.
Legs Resistance Band Exercises
The first two movements of these workouts are what we call “primers.” Think of them as quick, workout specific warm-ups that will help you move better. They won’t require a band and can be done in just 1-2 minutes. After you complete the primers, then you move into the workout.
A1. Kneeling Adductor Stretch | 2x :30 hold |
A2. Glute Bridge | 2×10 |
B1. Band Resisted Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat | 3×10-12ea |
C1. Band Resisted RDL | 3×10-12 |
C2. Bear Crawl | 3×10 yards |
D1. Band Resisted Glute Bridge | 3×10-15 |
E1. Bodyweight Squat | 2×20 + :10 hold last rep |
Push Resistance Band Exercises
The first two movements of these workouts are what we call “primers.” Think of them as quick, workout specific warm-ups that will help you move better. They won’t require a band and can be done in just 1-2 minutes.
A1. Shoulder Taps | 2x8ea |
A2. Single Leg Plank (:15 ea leg) | 2x:30 |
B1. Pushups | 3×10-12 |
B2. Band Resisted Floor Press | 3×10 (squeeze at top for :2) |
C1. Pike Press (or Inchworm) | 3×5-12 |
D1. Band Resisted Lateral Raise | 3×12-15 |
D2. Band Resisted Tricep Pressdown | 3×12-15 |
Pull Resistance Band Exercises
The first two movements of these workouts are what we call “primers.” Think of them as quick, workout specific warm-ups that will help you move better. Use a light band for the face pull and focus on a full range of motion.
A1. Bird Dog | 2x10ea |
A2. Band Resisted Face Pull | 2×10 |
B1. Single Arm Resistance Band Row | 3×10-12ea |
C1. Hollow Band Resistance Band Lat Pulldown | 3×10-12 |
D1. Band Resisted Bent Over Row | 3×10-12 |
E1. Resistance Band Pull Apart | 3×15-20 |
E2. Resistance Band Hammer Curl | 3×15-20 |
This workout program is a great start for you but if you are looking for more personalized workouts, nutrition advice, and accountability, then checkout Born Fitness Online Coaching. Everything is handled through a private app and customized to your lifestyle.
Need help getting off your ass at home? With our coaching program, you get 2 coaches in your corner. Learn more here.What if you don’t have a resistance band at home?
There are many different resistance band options, but we recommend The EliteFTS Pro Monster Mini Resistance Band.
Exercise Band Video Demonstrations
Let’s go through each movement below to make sure you are doing it with proper form.
Kneeling Adductor Stretch
Glute Bridge
Band Resisted Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Band Resisted RDL
Bear Crawl
Band Resisted Glute Bridge
Bodyweight Squat
Shoulder Taps
Single-Leg Plank
Band Resisted Floor Press
Pike Press
Band Resisted Lateral Raise
Band Resisted Tricep Pressdown
Bird Dog
Band Resisted Face Pull
Single Arm Resistance Band Row
Hollow Band Resistance Band Lat Pulldown
Band Resisted Bent Over Row
Resistance Band Pull Apart
Resistance Band Hammer Curl
Now It’s Your Turn
That’s all we have for you. Now we want to hear from you:
- What exercise are you most excited to do?
- What exercise split are you going to choose?
- Or do you have a question on any of the videos we shared?
Let us know by leaving a comment below.
-BJ, Head Fitness Coach
P.S. Need more content for working out and staying healthy at home? Check out our COVID-19 page where we have more bodyweight workouts, nutrition advice, and other free content.

B.J. holds a B.S. in Health and Human Performance and multiple certifications, including Precision Nutrition Level 1 and BioForce Certified Conditioning Coach. Over his 14-year coaching career, he’s been fortunate enough to coach a wide range of clients. From online clients looking to get in great shape to CEO Nate Checketts (Rhone) and CEO Marcelo Claure (Softbank), and professional skateboarder Sean Malto. Before beginning his training career, he was a sports science lab research assistant.
With so many options for bands, is there a recommendation for a particular brand that is good quality?
We really like Perform Better. He linked out in the article to a cheap version that is available on Amazon currently.
Sorry, I completely missed the link on my read through of the article. Thank for both recommendations.
I have enjoyed reading the information about working out with resistance bands. Due to this current climate many “workout warriors” are looking for ways to push themselves while enjoying a workout. I love working out with resistance bands. Resistance bands are in an incredible versatile piece of exercise equipment that can provide both assistance and resistance. One example of using a resistance band for assistance is an assisted pull-up, while a bent over row with resistance band can be used for strength building by resisting the band. There are multiple exercises that could be completed with the use of resistance bands. However, it is important that you chose the correct “resistance” that can challenge your workouts. I appreciate the article and look forward reading more.
Thanks for reading, Jaki. We are certainly going to be putting out more content around working out and staying healthy at home.
I appreciate blog posts such as this one. I will surely follow a few of them. Keep writing such detailed blogs.
Thanks for reading! We are working hard to post new content every week. Stoked to have you here!
Thanks BJ, I just followed your first leg set and am pretty new to band training. I’m burning pretty good right now. Thanks for the help
Awesome. Glad you are enjoying the workout, Jeff.
Excellent article, love the split, ty. I have long used bands and do love Elite FTS. However, your link led to an out of stock item on Amazon – amazing how equip. is selling out everywhere now! Dave Schmitz is known as the Band Man and can be found at www
Thanks for the heads up, Scott. It’s definitely incredible how home equipment is incredibly hard to find. At this point, we recommend any band you can find that isn’t too overpriced.
Really enjoyed working out in your way!
So happy to hear this!
Love the resistance band workouts. You introduced me to these workouts and you inspired me to order a full set online. Actually all your stuff is inspiring. Nice work Adam!
BJ is the man behind these incredible resistance band workouts. Happy to hear they are going well for you. Thanks for being here Dennis!
Resistance band workout is another method or good example of performing calisthenics exercises that only requires your body weight and volume to be associated and carried with mainly strength, endurance, and flexibility. Thank you for sharing further information about the resistance band workout and giving away videos of how to properly execute and perform these certain exercises.
great blog, beginners must read this
this was a very well written article. from someone who does content writing and has been in the fitness industry for some time, it was well put together and the amount of knowledge shared was high. well done
Appreciate the kind words.
Hi BJ,
Thanks for the routine, I am following it for a week now. I had a couple of doubts though and would be grateful if you could help.
1.) Some exercises are mentioned as A1, A2, B1, B2, etc. Are they meant to be done in a super set? As in, do A1 then A2 and then take a rest.
2.) For Push, lateral raises are 3×15. Usually you mention “ea” for each arm however here it is absent. So should we be doing 15 raises for each arm or split them between the arms?
Nevertheless, it’s a very solid routine and my core was absolutely blasting after the “Pull” day. I am planning to do 4 Weeks with 3 days/week and then will follow the same routine for 4 more weeks but 6 days/week.
Thanks again!
Hey Abhajit,
Happy to help and glad you’re enjoying the plan.
All exercises with the same letter in front of them (example: A1, A2) should be performed together in a superset. So, you’ll do a set of A1, rest, a set of A2, rest, and then go back to A1. As you get in better shape you can reduce the rest between the exercises but be sure to keep plenty of rest between sets so you can challenge yourself.
Do 15 reps ea arm on the lateral raise.
Keep up the great work.
Time for an update!
I followed this program for close to 7 weeks. Improved my pushups from 6×3 to 9×3 and went from doing not-so-great 10×3 Lat pull-downs to decent 12×3 ones, among other things.
Now the gyms have opened in my place so will move the workouts there. However, for the first time, I saw my body coming into a proper shape over the last 7 weeks. I just had one resistance band and yet the results are very visible.
Thanks for the workout! You removed the guess-work and kicked my ass into consistency.