beware of the next fitness trend Born Fitness Fitness Nutrition

Beware of the Next Trend 

There are many factors that contribute to poor health — food hyper-palatability, high-stress lifestyles, and confusing misinformation — are all near the top of the list. But on a purely social level, the desire to chase the next trend is a big part of the problem.

muscular woman picking up dumbbells Fitness

The 6 Principles of Muscle Growth

Muscle growth requires checking several boxes — with both nutrition and training — to help your body break down muscle tissue and build it back. If you’re looking to add more muscles, here are the principles you must master.

Jillian Michaels Instagram post about protein consumption Nutrition

PLEASE STOP: Jillian Michaels

In a recent Instagram post, Jillian Michaels (of The Biggest Loser fame) shared the “dangers” of eating more than 30% of your daily calories from protein. “Dangers” are in quotes for a good reason. Unfortunately, she made very definitive claims, many of which are simply not supported by science.