Fitness Nutrition

How Much Do Online Fitness Plans Cost?

The first rule of Born Fitness Coaching is: You don’t promote Born Fitness coaching. It’s been the staple of my approach ever since I started training people on the Internet, and for a simple reason: if I’m doing my job correctly, then I don’t need to promote. And that’s what I’ve done for more than 10 years […]


4-Week Fat Loss Lies

You want abs in 4 weeks? Let’s be honest, it’s probably not going to happen. Here’s how to see around fat loss lies and realistically transform your body.


Why You Can’t Bench Press More Weight

One of the best ways to become stronger is to stop spending all your energy focusing on your chest and start paying more attention to the other muscles involved. Some things never change. Sundays will always be better with football, repeat episodes of Seinfeld will still be funny, and the bench press will always be an exercise […]

supplements Nutrition

7 Good, Trusted Supplements For Your Health

“What supplements should I take?” It’s easily one of the most common questions I’ve been asked during the past 10 years, as supplements transformed from a niche market into a perceived quick fix for everything from fat loss to increasing your strength 1.675%. And while the supplement industry clearly doesn’t need any help selling their […]


4 Reasons You’re Not Getting Stronger

Becoming stronger—just like building muscle or burning fat—is not rocket science, but it is exercise science. There’s a way to make sure you improve and many (many) more ways to ensure that you don’t. And if past experience is any indication, the two biggest limitations to strength are: A)  What you’re putting on the bar, […]


Fat Loss Mistakes (and How to Lose Weight For Good)

Hello fat loss. Remember me? We’ve been here before. That place where you’re told weight loss isn’t your fault. That there’s a new (gluten free, dairy free, carb free, cookie-filled) approach that is the solution to all your problems. And that this time it will be different. Welcome to dieting déjà vu. You know it […]