Many supplements proclaim amino acids are the key to building muscle. But do you really need amino acids? Discover what science says about this supplement.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
Many supplements proclaim amino acids are the key to building muscle. But do you really need amino acids? Discover what science says about this supplement.
Every month I write a column for Muscle & Fitness magazine called “Born Fit.” In it, I answer real questions asked by real people on Twitter. These are my unedited answers to those questions. If you want to potentially be featured in the magazine tweet at me and ask a question using the hashtag #BornFit and #AskBorn. -AB […]
You can grow bigger arms without lots of curls. This high frequency biceps builder get results, and can even be used with two simple bodyweight exercises.
The top supplement experts review what science says is the best protein powder options, including whey, soy, egg, casein, rice, pea, and even meat protein.
Talk to most experts, and they’ll tell you exercises are effective — whether free weights, machines, or bodyweight movements. The problem? Your lack of tension. Learn how to create it, and all your workouts will change for the better.
Confused about what fats are best for you? Instead of thinking good vs. bad, a simpler approach is healthy fat vs. available fats. It will change how you eat, and your diet will thank you.
Should you skip breakfast or take a day off of eating each week? If you believe in intermittent fasting, the answer is yes. Whether or not that’s a great idea for you depends on your goals, schedule, and how long you plan on fasting.
The problem with most diets isn’t that they’re bad—it’s that they’re a bad fit for you. Set yourself up for success with this guide to finding a diet that matches your body, preferences, and real-life demands you face every day.
Meal prep can feel exhausting—but it doesn’t have to. Here’s how to make the entire process much easier and improve your nutrition without confusion.
Everyone wants lean, defined abs. And seemingly everyone has a different theory on how to get them—including some techniques that are straight-up risky for your back. Here’s a smarter, safer approach that will have you looking good and feeling even better.