Sure, crunches won’t make your waist smaller. But there is a way to approach spot reduction and stubborn fat loss to transform your body.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
Sure, crunches won’t make your waist smaller. But there is a way to approach spot reduction and stubborn fat loss to transform your body.
One man’s story: A new eating plan. A new workout. A transformed body from Born Fitness coaching, and a chronic battle with Crohn’s disease now in remission.
Tired of eating oatmeal every day? Try this quick, nutrient-dense healthy breakfast alternative that will start your morning the right way.
Spoiler alert: Protein is not dangerous or a threat to your liver or kidneys. But there are circumstances where you need to limit how much protein you eat.
Building muscle doesn’t just “happen.” You must force growth by using this proven technique that will add size to any stalled workout program and even help fat loss.
If you need help creating a better diet, start with protein. This guide tells you what you need, why you need it and the best protein sources for your diet.
Not all cardio workouts are created equal. This training plan is fast, challenging, and effective at building endurance and firing up your metabolism.
You want a delicious guilt-free dessert with some health qualities. These homemade peanut butter protein rice krispies treats are just that and easy to make.
There are workout challenges, and then there is this workout. An 8-exercise circuit that is as difficult as it is simple. Are you up for the challenge?
Not every workout needs a complete overhaul. These small adjustments can jumpstart a stale program, prevent injuries, or strengthen your weakness.