
Does Fitness Make You Unhappy?

Let’s assume for one moment this isn’t a blog post. It’s a conversation that you’re watching. I’m not a writer. You’re not a reader. This is real life. And this is the conversation that hurts to the core maybe more than any other conversation I have in fitness. Why? Because it’s a reflection of what […]


Strength Is Not Always the Answer

If I could go back in time to when I first started lifting weights, I’d do everything differently. Back then, I was so worried about finding the right plan for me that I missed out on the two most fundamental aspects of exercise: movement and strength. Movement is easy to figure out, and yet mostly misunderstand. […]


Confessions of a Trainer: Your Workout Is Not Your Problem

How many motivational clichés does it take to get in shape? Whatever it takes. This is the type of (sarcastic) feedback that makes exercise so frustrating. Lots of talk that sounds good, but nothing that definitively shows you how to get from where you are to where you want to be.  Most fitness information is a […]


How Often Should I Change Reps?

Ever since muscle confusion became a popular term, there’s been a big debate about how often you need to adjust your workouts. For most people, the number of reps you perform are shockingly similar. In a survey of 100 people (equal gender split), 83 percent said they normally perform 8 to 10 reps per exercise. […]


The No-Caffeine Pre-Workout Boost

After years of making fun of Popeye and his spinach-fueled muscles, it might be time to apologize to the original muscle-bound vegetarian. The cartoon might seem outdated and outlandish, but research now shows that the concept might not be that far fetch. According to research compiled by, nitrates, a powerful compound found in green […]