
High Protein Sweet Potato Chili

In the pantheon of great all-purpose recipes, chili has to rank in the Top 10. It works as lunch, dinner, a snack, a side, and has so many variations that there’s something for everyone. Not to mention, if you have a slow cooker, it requires no cooking talent to make a delicious meal. (Note: I think […]


Coconut Curry Cauliflower Fried Rice

It’s not secret that I love rice. And I eat it all the time because as I try to remind people, carbs are not bad. That said, I do realize that there are limitations on how many carbs people can eat, and when that occurs it’d be great to eat carb-like meals that offer a little more dieting […]


Healthier Rice Pudding

I eat dessert every day. No really, I do. And I don’t like to hold back. That said, I obviously realize that some variations of my favorite snacks can’t be enjoyed regularly. Which is why I’m always working to find healthier variations of my favorite desserts, without sacrificing the flavor. Here’s a new spin on […]


Top 5 Ways You Know You’ve Made It In The Fitness Industry

I took a survey of the smartest people in fitness and health and then aggregated their top responses to create a list of what really matters. Here’s what you can learn if you really want to excel in the fitness industry. 1. You helped people, sacrificed personal bias, answered questions honestly, never stopped learning, and did everything […]


Look At Me

Go ahead, look at me. Stare only at my biceps and wide back and tell me I have nothing to add to this meeting. Judge the protein shakes at my desk, and label me a freak as I order healthy items off a menu. Call me a meathead and a moron and misunderstand my interests […]


The Art of the Deload

Most lifters hate taking days off or resting. Here are three tips to help you figure out when your body needs a break, and how to become stronger stronger and avoid unnecessary injuries.


Is Organic Reach Dead on Facebook?

[Ear muff warning] “What the fuck Facebook?” Step inside Born Fitness headquarters and it’s a phrase you were likely to hear just a few months ago. I assume we’re not the only ones who uttered those words after Facebook implemented yet another News Feed sorting algorithm. For those not familiar, Facebook has drastically reduced a business’ organic reach […]