
Look At Me

Go ahead, look at me. Stare only at my biceps and wide back and tell me I have nothing to add to this meeting. Judge the protein shakes at my desk, and label me a freak as I order healthy items off a menu. Call me a meathead and a moron and misunderstand my interests […]


The Art of the Deload

Most lifters hate taking days off or resting. Here are three tips to help you figure out when your body needs a break, and how to become stronger stronger and avoid unnecessary injuries.


Is Organic Reach Dead on Facebook?

[Ear muff warning] “What the fuck Facebook?” Step inside Born Fitness headquarters and it’s a phrase you were likely to hear just a few months ago. I assume we’re not the only ones who uttered those words after Facebook implemented yet another News Feed sorting algorithm. For those not familiar, Facebook has drastically reduced a business’ organic reach […]


#BeTheChange Giveaway

What happens when you give lottery tickets to people for free? Something incredible. Just the other day I saw a post on The Chive about #RAKit week. For those of you not familiar, we’re talking “random acts of kindness.” This is the type of thing The Chive does: pay it forward and make others feel awesome. And their […]


Banana Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes

I don’t eat breakfast very often, but breakfast foods are one of my favorite things to eat. From eggs and chicken sausage, to waffles, pancakes, and french toast, it’s hard to go wrong with any morning meal favorite. The problem? Many carb loaded breakfast foods clock in at thousands of calories, and there’s nothing about […]


Your Online Sale is Failing. Here’s Why

When you only run 2 sales per year, making big money is supposed to be easy. Or at least that’s what you’d imagine. But if were to have looked at the total sales after the first 4 hours of our bi-annual sale, you would have thought we’d never done this before. That’s what happens when you […]