
No Equipment Home Workouts: Fat Loss Edition

Not every workout needs to occur at a gym, take 60 minutes, or even require any equipment. When I’m on the road, whether for business or pleasure, finding a fitness facility isn’t top priority. Or if I’m at home and tied to my desk, I’m not going to stress about getting dressed and ready to […]


Can Cell Phones Harm Your Health?

Get off your phone. That’s the message that needs to be spread after two recent studies found that roughly 176 million people check their phones more than 60 times per day. Let those numbers sink in. I’m not anti-phone or anti-technology. If my analytics tell me the truth, odds are you’re probably reading this on a mobile device right […]


Why Are We Fat?

What’s worse: Sugar or fat? To answer the question, “Why are we fat?” it’s time to look at foods differently to crack the fat loss code.


What is #FitnessLives?

“By the year 2020 it’s estimated that 83 percent of men and 72 percent of women will either by overweight or obese…and 5 million death will be attributable to being overweight and obese.” I remember reading that statement several years ago while going through some research and predictions from the World Health Organization. I remember […]


The Born Fitness Tournament Challenge

What does the NCAAA Tournament have to do with fitness and health? Technically nothing. Sure, the players are fit and athletic, but let’s be honest: NCAA brackets are a seasonal social experience that is both entertaining and engaging. The brackets are fun and the make the games more enjoyable too.  Besides, what’s better than a […]


The Illusion of the Great Workout

The best programs I’ve ever written are the ones that I rarely share with new clients. The programs aren’t what you’d expect. No special equipment, crazy exercises, or new movements never seen before. Nothing that immediately screams, “This is a great workout.” It’s usually just 6 to 10 exercises total, spread across 3 to 4 […]


Do High Protein Diets Cause Early Death?

All food is not created equal. The burger served to you at McDonald’s is not the same as the organic, free-range patty you grabbed at your farmer’s market. The foods you eat, should never been viewed in isolation. Just mashing together proteins, carbs, and fats in the meal can change the way you look, but […]