man looking at huge board of equations Wellness

You vs. Science

The most effective approach for the majority of people is what is supported by science. But, even the best research has limitations.

various sugary candies Nutrition

Is Sugar Bad For You?

It’s been demonized and singled out as the cause of the obesity epidemic. But is sugar bad for you? Are all sugars equal? Here’s what science has to say.

Periodization Fitness

Periodization: How to figure out the right workout for you

Shredding fat and building muscle is a byproduct of adaptation—but too much adaptation means you won’t change. It’s about working that thin line between challenging your body and burning them out. Between getting stronger and plateauing.

The best trainers find that line by using periodization: systematically programming workout routines over the long term through a variety of daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly cycles.