What’s the best home gym equipment? Here’s the best value as determined by your goal (fat loss or muscle gain) and budget.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
What’s the best home gym equipment? Here’s the best value as determined by your goal (fat loss or muscle gain) and budget.
No equipment? No problem. This 8 exercise routine will take you just 10 minutes and has everything you need to build the perfect bodyweight workout.
A new Jeep Grand Cherokee sits in my garage. When I walk by, I admire its appearance. I have a weird thing with the exterior of cars: I love it when they’re shiny and new, unblemished and perfect. I recently bought this car after trading in my silver Xterra. I loved that car so much […]
Minimum Effective Dose is part of the Born Fitness mission to provide usable, simplified answers to common questions, add valuable information, and upgrade your health. Each week we’ll provide tips and thoughts (with links) that will improve your life without overload.
There’s a fundamental flaw in most diet and fitness plans that needs to be corrected in order to prevent you from becoming health obsessed.
Not every workout needs to occur at a gym, take 60 minutes, or even require any equipment. When I’m on the road, whether for business or pleasure, finding a fitness facility isn’t top priority. Or if I’m at home and tied to my desk, I’m not going to stress about getting dressed and ready to […]
Get off your phone. That’s the message that needs to be spread after two recent studies found that roughly 176 million people check their phones more than 60 times per day. Let those numbers sink in. I’m not anti-phone or anti-technology. If my analytics tell me the truth, odds are you’re probably reading this on a mobile device right […]
“I’m too busy to work out,” is the most common reason for not making it to the gym. Here’s how you can work out, live, boost your fitness without stress, and still be healthy.
“By the year 2020 it’s estimated that 83 percent of men and 72 percent of women will either by overweight or obese…and 5 million death will be attributable to being overweight and obese.” I remember reading that statement several years ago while going through some research and predictions from the World Health Organization. I remember […]
Sometimes, feeling better has nothing to do with fitness or nutrition. Learn the change you can make that improves your health and helps others.
Fat-burning circuit workouts should be challenging, fast, and fun. This 20-minute program includes unique bodyweight exercises that will fire up your metabolism for faster results.
The best programs I’ve ever written are the ones that I rarely share with new clients. The programs aren’t what you’d expect. No special equipment, crazy exercises, or new movements never seen before. Nothing that immediately screams, “This is a great workout.” It’s usually just 6 to 10 exercises total, spread across 3 to 4 […]