
Getting Shredded

This isn’t the typical title for a post I make on my site, and yet nothing seemed more appropriate. I just received the following text message from my wife. If you read closely, it’s clear that “Shirtless Friday’s” on The Berry finally has her wanting me to return to a leaner, meaner version of me. […]

classroom Fitness

The Teacher Fit Program

The life of a teacher is misunderstood. Sure the hours appear great. And summers off are nice. But the illusion of a life of relaxation underscores the incredible amount of time it takes to prepare, teach, grade, and then prepare some more. Toss in stressful interactions with students and parents, and teachers find themselves in […]


4 Ways to Become Better

Why is your progress stalled with fitness and diet? Don’t plan your plan. Here are 4 methods to help you become better by avoiding the “resolution model.”


The Thanksgiving Day Workout

Rumor has it the average American eats around 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving. Remember that number for a moment. Let’s say you wanted to “undo” the damage of the meal. According to researchers at Southern Main, the average weight training circuit of 8 exercises completed in 8 minutes (when performed at a high-intensity with minimal rest) […]


The Finish Strong Challenge

If you had all the time in the world to do whatever you want in your job, what would it be? The question was recently presented to me during a seminar. I had just finished discussing what a typical week entails—from writing articles, to editing stories for magazines and online, consulting with businesses, writing books, […]


Are Planks Overrated?

Back in 2008 I was doing research for a story in Men’s Health when I came across a particular journal article that helped influence how many people train now their abs. The study revealed that planks activate significantly more of  your rectus abdominus (the six-pack muscles) than crunches. In fact, this particular study (which was […]


The Problems With Personal Training

Editor’s Note: It’s a little known fact that since I left my “full time” job as a magazine editor (I now write and edit for many publications instead of just one), I spend a lot of my time consulting with large companies, small business, and entrepreneurs. Many of those who fall into the “self-employed” category […]


Mindset, Motivation, & Mistakes: Interview With Martin Rooney

I’m a big believer in coaches. I spend money each year being mentored and coached by others. It’s a mentality I plan to keep for the rest of my life; if you’re not learning you’re not growing and becoming better, no matter how much success you experience. After all, there’s only so much you can […]


The People’s Gym Rules

Lots of people go to the gym. And yet, about 60 to 80 percent of memberships go unused. There are many reasons why, but no doubt part of it has to do with the environment. With that in mind, I polled people who follow me on Twitter and Facebook to determine what “#gymrules” you would […]