Sure, crunches won’t make your waist smaller. But there is a way to approach spot reduction and stubborn fat loss to transform your body.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
Sure, crunches won’t make your waist smaller. But there is a way to approach spot reduction and stubborn fat loss to transform your body.
One man’s story: A new eating plan. A new workout. A transformed body from Born Fitness coaching, and a chronic battle with Crohn’s disease now in remission.
Building muscle doesn’t just “happen.” You must force growth by using this proven technique that will add size to any stalled workout program and even help fat loss.
Not all cardio workouts are created equal. This training plan is fast, challenging, and effective at building endurance and firing up your metabolism.
There are workout challenges, and then there is this workout. An 8-exercise circuit that is as difficult as it is simple. Are you up for the challenge?
Not every workout needs a complete overhaul. These small adjustments can jumpstart a stale program, prevent injuries, or strengthen your weakness.
Most people assume meal timing after your workout is essential. But new research shows that nutrient timing might now be as important as we once thought.
The best cardio fat loss plan isn’t as clear as you might think. Here’s the answer you need to create the right approach for your body and faster results.
Looking for the best workout plan might be fun, but it’s not as effective as doing the one that works. Here’s what you should consider for the best results.
Hip flexor stretches. Shoulder stretches. Back stretches. Dynamic stretches. Why not just combine them all into one great stretching exercise? Here’s how.
Your approach to a popular workout technique might be broken. Here’s how to fix it for better results.
I see all these people with foam rollers. Will it really help me gain muscle?