Only have 30 minutes in a day to exercise? Here’s how you can train for less time and still make progress towards goals like building muscle or burning fat.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
Only have 30 minutes in a day to exercise? Here’s how you can train for less time and still make progress towards goals like building muscle or burning fat.
Ever since muscle confusion became a popular term, there’s been a big debate about how often you need to adjust your workouts. For most people, the number of reps you perform are shockingly similar. In a survey of 100 people (equal gender split), 83 percent said they normally perform 8 to 10 reps per exercise. […]
Did you lose the genetic lottery? Don’t worry. The science of the perfect muscle building workout can add new size and mass to any body type and at any age.
If you’re doing fasted cardio, there are a few thing you’ll want to know about it’s impact on fat loss. And more importantly, why it might be a big mistake.
How can you tell the difference between overtraining and exhaustion from a hard workout? Let this be your guide to fatigue, soreness, and recovery.
Many people write every day to inquire about the Born Fitness online coaching experience. The hard part for me is that I never want to “sell” what we do. I want the service I provide to meet the needs of what a potential client desires. Still, people have questions, so who better to answer than […]
Accomplishing your dream body doesn’t have to be an impossible journey. But it does require you to forget some of the popular information, which might be the real reason you haven’t achieved your goals.
The worst fitness trend is happening without much discussion, and it’s causing a great fitness divide. Here’s how to address and fix the problem.
What makes a great workout? For many people, it’s lots of sweat and soreness. But is that mentality doing more harm than good?
Sometimes you’re too busy to exercise. Or don’t feel like eating healthy. Life happens, and when it does, here’s what you should do.
Go ahead, look at me. Stare only at my biceps and wide back and tell me I have nothing to add to this meeting. Judge the protein shakes at my desk, and label me a freak as I order healthy items off a menu. Call me a meathead and a moron and misunderstand my interests […]
Most lifters hate taking days off or resting. Here are three tips to help you figure out when your body needs a break, and how to become stronger stronger and avoid unnecessary injuries.