
How to Fix Your Posture

The simple fixes you can make to end the pain  you feel when you stand, sit, or are even lying down. The greatest lie ever told is that adding exercise will ensure your body will never hurt again. Yes, a smart training plan can go a long way towards preventing injury and feeling great. But your […]


Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Don’t remove carbs from your diet. Find better options like this quinoa-based dish to fuel your body.  The blandness in your diet can usually be blamed on one of three things: a lack of time, creativity, or variety. An easy way to solve all three issues: a good side dish, which can be added to almost […]

dessert Recipes Snack

Protein Peanut Butter Cups

The dessert that finally makes any diet easier to enjoy and allows you to satisfy your cravings for sweets. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. The cliche applies to most concepts in fitness and nutrition, but it’s not the case if you’ve mastered the art of healthy dessert. While you […]

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