
Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Don’t remove carbs from your diet. Find better options like this quinoa-based dish to fuel your body.  The blandness in your diet can usually be blamed on one of three things: a lack of time, creativity, or variety. An easy way to solve all three issues: a good side dish, which can be added to almost […]

dessert Recipes Snack

Protein Peanut Butter Cups

The dessert that finally makes any diet easier to enjoy and allows you to satisfy your cravings for sweets. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. The cliche applies to most concepts in fitness and nutrition, but it’s not the case if you’ve mastered the art of healthy dessert. While you […]


High-Protein Lemon Berry Chia Yogurt

Need a High-Protein, Easy-to-Eat Snack? This Recipe Has You Covered. One of the main reasons people tend to overeat is because they’ve waited too long to satisfy their hunger. (Unless, of course, you’re following a variation of intermittent fasting.) Whether you eat many times throughout the day, or just need something to tide your hunger, healthy snacks, […]


Apple Bacon Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

In the world of “healthy” options, it’s rare that you’ll find a vegetable that can offer that combination salty and sweet, along with a crunchy texture. But that’s exactly what’s delivered in this recipe, created by Liv Langdon, founder of Liv Lang & Prosper, and a Born Fitness meal prep specialist. On the nutrition side, Brussels […]


“Wheat Belly” – Understanding Wheat, Insulin & Fat Loss

It’s one of the most popular books on weight loss. But here’s why “Wheat Belly” is a stomach full of weight-loss deception. Editor’s note: This is part II of a combined post about common misconceptions on fat loss and weight gain. To read the first part, click here. To help you understand why wheat isn’t […]