Need a High-Protein, Easy-to-Eat Snack? This Recipe Has You Covered. One of the main reasons people tend to overeat is because they’ve waited too long to satisfy their hunger. (Unless, of course, you’re following a variation of intermittent fasting.) Whether you eat many times throughout the day, or just need something to tide your hunger, healthy snacks, […]
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Buffalo Chicken Quesadilla (with Avocado)
Some foods sound too good to be healthy. But this buffalo chicken quesadilla recipe offers all the flavor you want, and it can work on any diet plan.
Beyond Bread: Why Some People Can Eat More Carbs Than Others
How many carbs you need is one part science, one part personality. Here’s how to figure out if a high- or low-carb diet is right for you.
Apple Bacon Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe
In the world of “healthy” options, it’s rare that you’ll find a vegetable that can offer that combination salty and sweet, along with a crunchy texture. But that’s exactly what’s delivered in this recipe, created by Liv Langdon, founder of Liv Lang & Prosper, and a Born Fitness meal prep specialist. On the nutrition side, Brussels […]
The Best Low-Carb Bread Recipe
If you’re trying to limit carbs, increase protein, and avoid allergens (like gluten), then you won’t be able to resist this bread recipe.
Fix Your Diet: Understanding Proteins, Carbs, and Fats
The old saying is you can’t out-train a bad diet. The easiest way to fix your diet is to understand all the myths that surround the foods you love. Here’s what you need to know about protein, carbs, and fats in your diet.
Forget Motivation. Find Your Pulse.
Change is hard. And willpower is limited. So when it comes to changing your life, here’s how to change your mindset and increase your motivation.
“Wheat Belly” – Understanding Wheat, Insulin & Fat Loss
It’s one of the most popular books on weight loss. But here’s why “Wheat Belly” is a stomach full of weight-loss deception. Editor’s note: This is part II of a combined post about common misconceptions on fat loss and weight gain. To read the first part, click here. To help you understand why wheat isn’t […]
Does Fitness Make You Unhappy?
Let’s assume for one moment this isn’t a blog post. It’s a conversation that you’re watching. I’m not a writer. You’re not a reader. This is real life. And this is the conversation that hurts to the core maybe more than any other conversation I have in fitness. Why? Because it’s a reflection of what […]
Why Running Does Not (Always) Burn Fat
What happens when weight loss stops? You do more cardio. Here are 5 reasons why that might not be your best approach.
Add Muscle At Any Age: Designing the Muscle Building Workout
Did you lose the genetic lottery? Don’t worry. The science of the perfect muscle building workout can add new size and mass to any body type and at any age.
Understanding Fasted Cardio and Fat Loss
If you’re doing fasted cardio, there are a few thing you’ll want to know about it’s impact on fat loss. And more importantly, why it might be a big mistake.