What’s best: whey protein concentrate, isolate, or hydrolysate? This article breaks down the differences to help you understand what’s best for you.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
What’s best: whey protein concentrate, isolate, or hydrolysate? This article breaks down the differences to help you understand what’s best for you.
Do squats hurt your back? What about pain in your knees? This pain-free approach will fix your squat, increase strength, and prevent injury.
Can your ability to do more pushups prolong your life?
The question might sound like a joke, but science has recently focused on better ways to predict lifespan. And, one study found that your ability to crush pushups might determine if you can fight off cardiovascular disease.
And, it’s not just pushups. The link between bodyweight strength and your health is becoming too hard to ignore.
There are many factors that contribute to poor health — food hyper-palatability, high-stress lifestyles, and confusing misinformation — are all near the top of the list. But on a purely social level, the desire to chase the next trend is a big part of the problem.
The idea of keeping it simple is something that is embraced in almost every area of life — except exercise. Unless a behavior is extreme or challenging, it’s assumed that it won’t work. Believing this reality is not only likely to lead to injury and burnout, but it’s also a big reason why so many people […]
The problem with training is rarely the exercises you perform, but, rather, how they are combined together into a program that will challenge and change your body. At some point, rep-after-rep-after-rep just doesn’t do the job, no matter how hard it feels. And, this is especially true for at-home workouts. If you want to make […]
The hardest part of the fat loss process is believing that this time will be different. But, it can be if you’re willing to remove the usual complications associated with weight loss and commit to a different approach. After helping thousands of people lose weight, the key to building an effective fat loss plan is […]
Underrated and underused, resistance band exercises can upgrade your workout without needing weights. Here’s how to use them to build more muscle, improve flexibility, and upgrade your workout.
The first rule of Born Fitness Coaching is: You don’t promote Born Fitness coaching. It’s been the staple of my approach ever since I started training people on the Internet, and for a simple reason: if I’m doing my job correctly, then I don’t need to promote. And that’s what I’ve done for more than 10 years […]
You want abs in 4 weeks? Let’s be honest, it’s probably not going to happen. Here’s how to see around fat loss lies and realistically transform your body.
Every month I write a column for Muscle & Fitness magazine called “Born Fit.” In it, I answer real questions asked by real people on Twitter. These are my unedited answers to those questions. If you want to potentially be featured in the magazine tweet at me and ask a question using the hashtag #BornFit and #AskBorn. -AB […]
Most women spend a lot of time focusing on biceps and triceps and still don’t have “toned arms.” Here’s how to turn up the volume for far better results.