Think you’re ready to be your own trainer and create your plan? Avoid the 5 biggest workout mistakes and you’ll be ready to build more muscle and burn fat.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
Think you’re ready to be your own trainer and create your plan? Avoid the 5 biggest workout mistakes and you’ll be ready to build more muscle and burn fat.
When I was 26 years old I almost made a huge mistake. I was tired of the hype, the false realties, and what appeared to be a lack of transparency about an important aspect of life. I sucked at love. You see, by that admittedly young age, I had already made enough mistakes—and been crushed […]
The life of a teacher is misunderstood. Sure the hours appear great. And summers off are nice. But the illusion of a life of relaxation underscores the incredible amount of time it takes to prepare, teach, grade, and then prepare some more. Toss in stressful interactions with students and parents, and teachers find themselves in […]
Why is your progress stalled with fitness and diet? Don’t plan your plan. Here are 4 methods to help you become better by avoiding the “resolution model.”
Rumor has it the average American eats around 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving. Remember that number for a moment. Let’s say you wanted to “undo” the damage of the meal. According to researchers at Southern Main, the average weight training circuit of 8 exercises completed in 8 minutes (when performed at a high-intensity with minimal rest) […]
Lots of people go to the gym. And yet, about 60 to 80 percent of memberships go unused. There are many reasons why, but no doubt part of it has to do with the environment. With that in mind, I polled people who follow me on Twitter and Facebook to determine what “#gymrules” you would […]
I tend to check Facebook about 3 times per day, each visit for work purposes. It used to be that during one of those checkins I’d enjoy scrolling through my feed, catching up with friends, and learning about changes occurring in life—like new jobs or children. But along the way, many of my fitness peers […]
Struggling to see results from your nutrition and fitness efforts? Change your luck by taking a gain approach.
Certain nutrition basics appear to be timeless regardless of your diet: Eat breakfast. Eat fruits and vegetables. Don’t feast on sugary foods on a regular basis. All of this was indisputable until intermittent fasting came into the picture, and the importance of breakfast was brought into question. Or more accurately, the timing of meals was […]
Getting older is inevitable but new science has found how to fight aging with intermittent fasting–and how this eating style might be the best solution.
Sometimes it’s best for me to say less, and let actions do the talking. In this case, I’ll just let you watch. Here’s the new book trailer for Man 2.0: Engineering The Alpha. A Real World Guide to an Unreal Life. Watch. Enjoy. And get fired up. We’ve written something special for you. Before you watch. […]
How many times have you picked up a book and ended up disappointed? I know I have. More times than I’d like to admit, in fact. It doesn’t matter if it’s a book, a movie, or even a sporting event (Hey, I’m a Cubs fan and the biggest CU Buffs fan on the planet—and both […]