You might not have a noticeable digestive issue, but focusing on your gut (AKA microbiome) might be the biggest change you can make to significantly improve your health.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
You might not have a noticeable digestive issue, but focusing on your gut (AKA microbiome) might be the biggest change you can make to significantly improve your health.
Here’s some health advice you won’t see mentioned anywhere: most fitness and diet tips are limited. They are the fuel to living a better life, but they are not the engine. In other words, good nutrition and an effective exercise plan help and are necessary, but ultimately they are both just pieces of the puzzle. And without […]
Sometimes you’re too busy to exercise. Or don’t feel like eating healthy. Life happens, and when it does, here’s what you should do.
Go ahead, look at me. Stare only at my biceps and wide back and tell me I have nothing to add to this meeting. Judge the protein shakes at my desk, and label me a freak as I order healthy items off a menu. Call me a meathead and a moron and misunderstand my interests […]
A new Jeep Grand Cherokee sits in my garage. When I walk by, I admire its appearance. I have a weird thing with the exterior of cars: I love it when they’re shiny and new, unblemished and perfect. I recently bought this car after trading in my silver Xterra. I loved that car so much […]
“I’m too busy to work out,” is the most common reason for not making it to the gym. Here’s how you can work out, live, boost your fitness without stress, and still be healthy.
Why is your progress stalled with fitness and diet? Don’t plan your plan. Here are 4 methods to help you become better by avoiding the “resolution model.”
Research shows that 70 percent of people claim they don’t have the motivation to exercise. Find out why that stat is flawed and how to charge your life.
Struggling to see results from your nutrition and fitness efforts? Change your luck by taking a gain approach.
Want to know the secret to finding happiness? A new approach could change the way you look at life and help you make improvements for the better.