Taking every set in your workout to complete exhaustion might be a big mistake. Training to failure can build muscle and strength, but only if done right.

The Rules of Fitness REBORN
Taking every set in your workout to complete exhaustion might be a big mistake. Training to failure can build muscle and strength, but only if done right.
Training in the gym is one of the safest things you can do. But bad movement patterns can make some exercises risky. Here’s how to correct issues before they become injuries.
“What supplements should I take?” It’s easily one of the most common questions I’ve been asked during the past 10 years, as supplements transformed from a niche market into a perceived quick fix for everything from fat loss to increasing your strength 1.675%. And while the supplement industry clearly doesn’t need any help selling their […]
You can grow bigger arms without lots of curls. This high frequency biceps builder get results, and can even be used with two simple bodyweight exercises.
Smarter, Stronger, and Ageless? Here’s why creatine isn’t just for weightlifters, and how it’s much safer than you’ve been led to believe.